Home Maharashtra & Goa AVP Chief Shamsher Pathan Demands Ban on Playing of DJ During Eide Milaad

AVP Chief Shamsher Pathan Demands Ban on Playing of DJ During Eide Milaad

AVP Chief Shamsher Pathan Demands Ban on Playing of DJ During Eide Milaad

By Aleem shaikh

Eid-e-Milad is an important and holy Muslim Festival celebrated on the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad. This festival is not new but many centuries old and is celebrated across the world. Muslims in Mumbai are set to celebrate Eid – E Milaad on 2nd December. The community is very much busy for the preparation of the Juloos which starts from the different areas of the city and ends at Historical Place Khilafat house at Byculla.
Meanwhile, the big demand came from the Awami Vikas Party Chief Shamsher Pathan “Ban On DJ playing during the procession” and seized it.
Giving an exclusive interview to “Hello Mumbai News” Mr  Pathan said, “Eid-e-Milad is a very holy festival it should celebrate in a very religious manner. If we create noise with boys dancing to the level, Crazy beats played DJs is an Islamic and the purpose of celebrating the prophet ‘s birthday will be lost so our party seriously oppose this act and want immediate ban on this music system “,
Further, Mr. Pathan added we have also given a written complaint to the Mumbai police Commissioner regarding this issue and demanded to take action against those who will play the DJ with loud music in the Procession. we are also arranging the meeting with our community leaders and creating awareness among them regarding this sin. We are also appealing to the people keeping the volume of loudspeakers low and avoiding dancing and bursting of crackers during the procession.



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