Home Maharashtra & Goa CM Fadnavis Adopting Upper Caste Arrogance : Sanjay Nirupam

CM Fadnavis Adopting Upper Caste Arrogance : Sanjay Nirupam



Sanjay Nirupam questions the Govt’s inability to protect SC & ST

“Govt is Adopting Upper Caste Arrogance,” Says Sanjay Nirupam

Mumbai:  MRCC President Sanjay Nirupam today attacked the govt for being a silent spectator to the dilution of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. At a symbolic dharna held in Mumbai today, Sanjay Nirupam said that the Govt must file a review petition in the Supreme Court against the court’s decision to dilute stringent provisions in the Act. Nirupam charged the Govt with trying to marginalize Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as is evident in the continued violence against the members of the communities.


Sanjay Nirupam said,  “The violence against the members of the SC/ST castes has witnessed a rise of almost 125% in the past couple of years. But the conviction rate is just 20%. Also, barely 9% cases are found false. Dilution of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act is a threat to the communal harmony of the country. And strangely this Govt seems to have already turned a deaf ear to their plea for justice. We cannot have a significant percentage of the population of the country live under threat. The Govt must file a review petition. If the Govt does not provide blanket protection to the members of the SC/ST castes, the Congress Party will hold a massive protest in the next 15 days.”

While accusing the govt of adopting upper-caste arrogance to serve its political interest while forsaking the safety of millions, Nirupam said there seems to be a strong effort to set back the work done by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and the successive govts over the years.

Demanding immediate measures to prevent the dilution of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, Sanjay Nirupam has given an ultimatum to the Govt that if the bench fails to review the Atrocity petition and retract their order within 15 days, the Congress Party will conduct a massive protest.


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