Constitution won’t Changed Claims Ramdas Athavle, dismissed Opposition allegations

Constitution won’t Changed Claims Ramdas Athavle, dismissed Opposition allegations

Mr Ramdas Athavle union Minister of State for Social Justice lashes out at Opposition party leaders and dismissed the allegations the NDA government will change the Constitution if once it comes power in 2024 Loksabha Election.
While addressing the Media in Mumbai on Tuesday.

Mr Athavle further clarified that PM Modi is first Prime Minister who declared 24 November as ‘ Constitution Day ‘ Opposition parties including congress party misguiding the people only for getting their votes but this is not good for the country.
While in conversion with media persons Mr Athavle assured NDA Government will come in power again in 2024 Loksabha Election under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Mr Athavle is strong alliance partner of NDA and big Dalit face in Maharashtra he is campaigner of BJP in Maharashtra


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