Home Maharashtra & Goa Hill station Panchgani ranked No 1 in Cleanliness Survey ‘Swachch Surekshan ‘ 2018

Hill station Panchgani ranked No 1 in Cleanliness Survey ‘Swachch Surekshan ‘ 2018

Hill station Panchgani ranked No 1 in Cleanliness Survey ‘Swachch Surekshan ‘ 2018

The results for ‘Swachch Survekshn 2018 announced and ‘Panchgani ‘ has been ranked as Western (Maharashtra) Zone’s Number 1 cleanest city.
Panchgani a well known tourist destination and most visited Hill Station in Western Maharashtra.
“It’s a great moment for us and the people of Panchgani they were deserved for this because when we started the campaign of ‘Swach Bharat Abhiyan ‘ in Panchgani everyone supported us each and every section of the society joined our Movement and today we saw the result that ‘Panchgani ‘ranked first postion in Swachh Survekshn ,the credit goes to our team and Panchgani Municipal council, “said Laxmi Karhadakar president of Panchgani Municipal Council.
Giving an Interview to our Western Maharashtra Zonel Head, She further says Panchgani being a Hill Station and Tourist destination it is everyone’s duty to support cleanness campaign because it is our PM’s dream project and it’s our duty to fulfill this dream. ‘Clean Panchgani and Green Panchgani ‘ is our slogan and our movement will be continue in future also.she further says   , ” we are planning to  improve more table line  because there  has been  continueous demand for More point and Table  line  we are working on it  .our Panchgani’s population is  very  less (Only 15,000) that’s why  for   us very less Budget is always problem p. we are also  planning to  promote Eco Tourism and Education Tourism in which we will  teach the students ‘Garbage Management because Pancgani is a Heritage Tourist Destination made by the Britishs and it is our duty to maintain it, “.


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