Home Maharashtra & Goa Mumbai: Barvi Dam water level exceeds amidst heavy rains-water touches its upper limit.

Mumbai: Barvi Dam water level exceeds amidst heavy rains-water touches its upper limit.

Mumbai: Barvi Dam water level exceeds amidst heavy rains-water touches its upper limit.

Mumbai: In the midst of Heavy rains, the water level in Barvi dam is overflowing beyond its capacity.

The latest updates on Barvi Dam is as under:

A)Overflow level in meter= 72.6 RL
B) Rainfall and Lake level report.
Date : – 26/08/2020 @ 6.00 AM
Rainfall in mm. ( Daily /season’s total rainfall )
a) The status at Barvi dam
premises stands at 06/2069

b) The water level at tbe catchment area is as under
1) Khanivare = 14/2279
2) Kanhol = 00/1863
3)Patgaon =05/1822
4)Thakurwadi = 09/1680

The devastating heavy rainfall in the catchment area has augmented to = 9.33/ 1911m i.e 68.62%
C)The Level in meters ( +Rise/- Fall)
*Dam level = 71.77*
( – 0.83 m upto RL 72.60)
Dam Live Storage =311.83
*% Storage of Water 92.03%*
(72.60 RL)

Markedly Demand of irrigation stands at 0.00 mcm
Water released through hydro generation plants stands at 0.0
Water release through by pass arrangements stands at 0.0 MCM
Overflow discharge (Average). cusecs

D) As of 26/08/2020( same date
as of preceding year)
(As per 72.60 RL)
Dam level stands at 72.25 M
Dam Storage 326.45MCM
% Storage of Water =96.34 %

News Edit by K.V.Raman


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