Home Western Mumbai: Mumbai NGo Naata Foundation have been rendering yeomen services in Goregaon from day one of lockdown, provided more then 6 lakh packets of cooked meals for daily wage workers and homeless people

Mumbai: Mumbai NGo Naata Foundation have been rendering yeomen services in Goregaon from day one of lockdown, provided more then 6 lakh packets of cooked meals for daily wage workers and homeless people

Mumbai: Mumbai NGo Naata Foundation have been rendering yeomen services in Goregaon from day one of lockdown,  provided more then 6 lakh packets of cooked meals for daily wage workers and homeless people
Meal distribution Picture.

Charity project by Naata Foudation in Malad Pathanwadi.

Mumbai: Mumbai NGo Naata Foundation have been rendering yeomen services in Goregaon from a day one of Lockdown.

NAATA Foundation have been working in Goregaon, Mumbai for over a decade with a focus on education and vocational education for the below poverty level population.

NAATA Foundation, right from day one of the Covid 19 induced lockdown, have provided more then 6 lakh packets of cooked meals for daily wage workers and homeless people who are jobless due to the pandemic situation as well as in Aarey clusters for tribal families.

They have also supported below poverty level families with dry ration with the help of friends and families.

It is a matter of pride that the Naata family is still continuing with the distribution of cooked food to Asisi Bhavan (where 120 inmates stay), homeless people under the bridges of Western Express Highway, tribal clusters of Aarey colony, Pathanwadi and many other places in Mumbai as required.

NAATA Foundation expresses its gratitude to their Project Coordinator Jayesh Bhise, all Co-Partners, Volunteers, Friends and Rotary family – especially Rotary District 3141, Rotary Club of Bombay Film City who are standing with them and helping them in doing these small deeds in these testing times.

The deadly COVID-19 pandemic has curtailed all activities to a grinding halt throwing the daily wage workers out of action and driven them to poverty in the aftermath of the lockdown.

News Edit by K.V.Raman


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