Home Western Mumbai: Mumbai Parisar Asha bonds with IIM Kashipur for #onceupenaqurantime Live Project Collaboration, Read details here

Mumbai: Mumbai Parisar Asha bonds with IIM Kashipur for #onceupenaqurantime Live Project Collaboration, Read details here

Mumbai: Mumbai Parisar Asha bonds with IIM Kashipur for #onceupenaqurantime Live Project Collaboration, Read details here

Mumbai: Parisar Asha bonds with IIM Kashipur for #onceupenaqurantime Live Project Collaboration, Read details here

Mumbai: While the world is struggling with chaos and uncertainties on the flip side we have got an opportunity to pause and observe life. Soak in the offerings of Mother Earth and ponder upon things for which we never had time for. While we cherish these nature’s blessings, Parisar Asha is keen on adding some value and creativity to these experiences.

Parisar Asha is delighted to announce an online competition #onceupenaqurantime; a unique storytelling and poetry recitation competition in association with IIM Kashipur.

Who Can Participate :
This competition is open to all from all age groups.
What do you need to participate :
• Camera
• Internet connectivity

How to Participate :
Step 1 : Create a video of yours, narrating a value based story or reciting a poetry of your choice or you can send videos for both genres
Categories :
 General
 Specially Abled
Duration :
Story narration : 5 mins
Poetry recitation : 3 mins
Languages :
Videos can be made in following languages
Hindi, English, Marathi, Konkani, Bengali, Kannada, Telugu, Gujarati, Tamil, Malayalam and Sign language

Step 2 : You can send all your videos by mentioning
Name/ Age/ Ph Nos/ Email ID/ Category
Registration fees : Free
All entries can be sent by :
Whatsapp at : 9820955057 Or
Email at : competitionPA@gmail.com

Social Media Posts :
 Follow Parisar Asha on Facebook and Instagram
 Post it on Facebook and Instagram by tagging @parisarasha and using the #onceuponaquarantime
 Share the post on your facebook timeline and insta stories

Prizes :
 Top 3 winners from the following age group will be awarded with winning certificates and prizes .
Groups :
3 to 5 years / 6 to 8years/ 9 to 15 years/ 16 to 21 years/ 21 to 59 years/ 60 years and plus

Social Media Special Prize
 The video which receives the maximum number of shares, likes and comments will be awarded a special prize

Digital participation certificates will be provided to all participants

Last date of Submission: 25th April’ 2020
Results to be Announced : 25th May’2020

For any further details
Contact at 9820955057
Or email at : competitionPA@gmail.com /sridatta@parisarasha.com
To know more visit : www.parisarasha.com
Please note :
Parisar Asha & IIM Kashipur will not be responsible for any copyright issues.
Judges decision will be final


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