Home Central Mumbai : Mumbai Police DCP’s Transfer List, Read detailed story here

Mumbai : Mumbai Police DCP’s Transfer List, Read detailed story here

Mumbai : Mumbai Police DCP’s Transfer List, Read detailed story here
Mumbai police official representative image.
Mumbai police official representative image.

*Mumbai Police DCP’s Transfer List*

👮‍♂️ *Shri Paramjit Sing Dahiya (IPS)* of Zone-7 Transfer to Zone-1

*Shri Prashant Kadam (SPS)* of Protection Transfer to Zone-7

*Shri Sangramsingh Nishandar (SPS)* of Zone-1 Transfer To Operation

*Shri Pranay Ashok (IPS)* of Operation Transfer to Zone-5

*Shri Ganesh Shinde (SPS)*
of SB1 Transfer to Port Zone

*Smt Rashmi Karandikar (SPS)* of Port Zone Transfer to Cyber

*Shri. Shahji Umap (IPS)* of CB Detection Transfer to SB-1

*Shri. Mohan Dahikar (SPS)* of Zone-11 Transfer to CB (Detection)

*Shri. Vishal Thakur (SPS)* of Cyber Transfer to Zone-11

*Shri Nandkumar Thakur (SPS)* of LA Tardeo Transfer to HQ-1

*Smt N.Ambika* of HQ-1 Transfer to Zone-3

*Mrs. Niyati Thaker* of Zone-5 Transfer to Intelligence Department


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