Home Bollywood Bollywood Stars views on International women’s day.

Bollywood Stars views on International women’s day.

Bollywood Stars views on International women’s day.

By Aleem Shaikh

8th march is the international women’s  day. Actors talk about the one woman who inspires them!

Amal Sehrawat 
Its difficult to name any one . I guess women can teach and inspire you at every point of life, they are better at multitasking they take care of the family and if they are working then the office too. Women are stronger than male ( they carry a child for 9 months in their womb ), they have more patience, it is rightly said , behind every successful man there is a woman.”

Salil Ankola 

My life started with my Mother,  She is the one who has given me all the discipline, ethics manners and all that was necessary to become a good human being.
She always said that I can become anything in life achieve any heights but if I was not a good human then nothing is worth.
She is the reason I became a fitness freak and a sportsman and she is the one who inspired me on how life is to be lived.
I am because of her. Love respect and adore her tremendously.

Aanushka Ramesh

The one lady who has inspired me a lot is Oprah Winfrey. She is one of the most successful self made women in the world. Ever since in my young age I have been inspired by her. After I came to know of her story, her struggles, how she overcame them and the amazing way in which she now contributes and gives back to society.  I decided to make her my role model. Because I believe that it’s not just about achieving your dreams, but also giving back to the world that matters. At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have, but what you become that truly counts.

Ramman Handa  

One leading lady who has inspired me the most is my Grand Mother. Her name is Bhagwan Devi Handa. She was not educated but the way she could knit her family and managed social criticism and still fought against all odds is commendable. She is not with us any more but she is still alive in my heart and I feel proud when I think about her. And yes it’s only because of her I face every odd situation with so much of courage.

: Ridheema Tiwari 

 Helen Adams Keller is the most inspirational.She was an American author, political activist and lecturer. She was the first blind deaf person to earn a bachelor of arts degree.she defied all her disabilities and tuned it into strengths.Her story is a the most powerful in terms of achievements she made..not letting her weaknesses come in her way..Such a positive soul remains immortal in my heart. I salute the extraordinary spirit of womanhood on this special day of International Women’s Day.

Abhaas Mehta 

 My mother. She has been the pillar of strength in my life. Her dedication and determination towards tasks she takes on has not only inspired me but has made me value the work. She has taught me to always do the best I can and for that I am forever grateful.

 Haanssa Singh

 Everyday is Women’s day. I look up to my Mom. She is my Iron Lady. She has given me strength to take on life with it’s battles and smile. She is my pillar of strength and I bow to her. She is Dr. Rama Singh literary genius with a warmth of zillions galaxies.

Shashank Vyas

My mother Geeta. She always inspired me to believe in myself and do what my heart says and she taught me never to compromise on your principals. I even have her name tattoo on my neck. She is forever in my prayers.
Ssharad Malhotraa
Undoubtedly it’s my mother who has been a constant source of inspiration as she beautifully set an example by skilfully juggling with all her roles of being a mother, a wife, a sister and a friend. She has succeeded in every manner possible.
Arjun Bijlani
It’s none other than my mom she’s is been my support always and she will always be. After my dad passed away there were rough times but she looked after us well I owe so much to her that one lifetime would not enough repay that love her and respect her.       
Divyajyotee Sharma –  Mother Teresa is the one lady who inspires me a lot. She gave her entire life to serving the poor. She gave unconditional love & care to the all & dedicated her life to the homeless & destitute.     Also, she was the first Indian lady to be awarded a Nobel Prize.  She was also awarded saint hood because she performed a miracle. She had that strength and perseverance to place herself completely at the service of others.


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