KWC and Bank of India Organises Account Opening Camp On Thursday, 18 January At Null Bazar

    Event Details:


    *KWC aur Bank of India, Null Bazar Branch will hold a Joint Savings Camp.*
    * * * * * * * * * * *
    Kubmbharwada Welfare Centre and Null Bazar Branch of Bank of India will hold a Joint *Account Opening Camp* to promote habit of Savings among people, on Thursday, 18th January, 2018 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Nasir Pathan Hall, Chimna Butcher Street, Null Bazar, Mumbai – 3.
    In this Camp people can open Savings Bank A/c with Only Rs. 500/- One can also open Current A/c.
    To open account Pan Card, Aadhar Card & One Photograph is compulsory.



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