Home Hello BMC Mumbai: Bindu Trivedi, Corporator, BJP, Ward No. 130, interacts with Hello Mumbai News reporter Jui Jadhav on her experience albeit working amid the Covid-19 andemic and lockdown situation.

Mumbai: Bindu Trivedi, Corporator, BJP, Ward No. 130, interacts with Hello Mumbai News reporter Jui Jadhav on her experience albeit working amid the Covid-19 andemic and lockdown situation.

Mumbai: Bindu Trivedi, Corporator, BJP, Ward No. 130, interacts with Hello Mumbai News reporter Jui Jadhav on her experience albeit working amid the Covid-19 andemic and lockdown situation.

Mumbai: Bindu Trivedi, Corporator, BJP, Ward No. 130, interacts with Hello Mumbai News reporter Jui Jadhav on her experience albeit working amid the Covid-19 andemic and lockdown situation.

Mumbai: Albeit in an interaction with Hello Mumbai News reporter Jui Jadhav, Bindu Trivedi, Corporator, BJP, Ward No. 130 while working amid the Covid-19 pandemic situation and lockdown said from the time they detected the first Covid-19 patient, they started with the process of sanitization and daily, sanitization was carried out.

Even masks were provided to the people for better precautions along with medical tablets for better immunity of the people.

She made it known that with the help of Ghatkopar Medical Association and Indian Medical Association community, Clinics and Mobile Vans were made available.
Many people were checked and the suspected patients received treatment on time.

She further asserted that in the beginning, people did not have the needed facilities required in the

Even as Ventilators and rooms were unavailable , ICU rooms were not available for free. Bindu Trivedi alongside her fellow members solved these problems and saw to it that facilities were made available to them.

Bindu further claimed that she is not very much satisfied with the work of the BMC officials in her ward as they were not helpful. Patients were refused in the hospital as they did not have required prescription.
Due to such lackadaiscal behaviour many patients took ill.

Food kits distribution.

Lastly, she said that even the migrants are safe in their respective houses and hence, now people staying in Mumbai, should also take care of themselves and of their respective families.

Lastly, she acclaimed that people must stir out only for emergency, otherwise, STAY HOME STAY SAFE and follow the guidelines put forth by the government

News Report by: Jui Jadhav

News Edit by K.V.Raman


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