Home Hello BMC Mumbai Potholes, Navin Lade welcomes Supreme court’ s Stand on Mumbai roads

Mumbai Potholes, Navin Lade welcomes Supreme court’ s Stand on Mumbai roads

Mumbai Potholes, Navin Lade welcomes Supreme court’ s Stand on Mumbai roads

*The Stand taken by Supreme Court about the potholes on Mumbai roads is welcome Navin Lade.*
*The letter given to BMC dated 24 Aug 2018 states wwwmumbaipotholes.com site had to be visited by BMC Comissioner which has the photographs of potholes on Mumbai roads viwed then saad and Saba Shaikh would not have lossed their lives.*
*Mumbai –* *After the supreme court comment under high court judge K.S supervision presented an article by supreme* *court committee which defined the number of deaths taking place due to the potholes not just on Mumbai roads but in entire India ! We welcome this notification given by* *Supreme Court says Navin Lade –RPI (A) General Secretory Rozgar Aghadi Maharashtra.*
*Considering the number of people who have lossed their lives in these accidents 14. 936 in last five years is an* *exception. The remaining potholes are termed as non-acceptable by Supreme Court. These potholes accident number Surpasses the number of assassinated people by terrorists or boundary attackers!*
*Judge madan B. Lokur appointed a committee which* *expressed the relevant officers, as well as BMC, National Highways Authority of India (NHAI)* *and may other relevant officers working for state road department are responsible for these accidents, Mishaps/deaths. As they are not maintaining the standard of roads Supreme Court agrees to this and says it’s a reality!*
*In the mean while Corporators are consistently expressing* *that BMC is fully responsible for these accidents and therefore they should compensate the victims or affected residents! In response to* *this Administration Accepts the responsibility but refuses to help financially! As it’s not possible.*
*Though BMC accepts the responsibility yet the accidents are taking place because of their* *negligence which means BMC is not capable for fulfilling its responsibility. Recently at Chitra talkies, Dadar an accident took* *place in which Saba Shaikh , Saad lost their lives ! This incident should be lodged as a crime, the* *relevant infrastructure’s complaint should be made says Navin Lade in his letter to Home Minister, Police commissioner dated 26th nov 2018.*
As if now there is no acknowledgement received to this letter.
At the same time Navin Lade said inspite of we sending the letter to* *BMC on 24 Aug 2018 mentioning the total number of potholes on mumbai roads Saba and* *Saad Shaikh lossed their lives. The potholes photographs include the photos of potholes at Chitra Talkies, Dadar! If they had to visit* www.mumbaipotholes.com site had to take notice of these photographs and the number of potholes in proper time these two would not have lossed their lives. Along with the death of these two, the other death which have occured are due to the irresponsible infrastructure operations so Navin Lade states in his letter to lodged a serious complaint against this! Cheif Minister, Home Minister-Maharashtra State, Mumbai Police Commissioner did not take the notice of his letter sent to them. Now we are hopeful of Supreme Court’s decision- Navin Lade.
In the mean while Corporators of BMC in the meeting held recently at BMC hall demanded that BMC is fully responsible for these accidents and should compensate the victims and their relatives financially accordingly. In response to this BMC administration said that they accept their*
*responsibility of the accidents but further says it will not be possible to compensate the victims financially!


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