Home Hello Womeniya Meet 5 African Women Entrepreneurs who share their Entrepreneurial Journey with Message on Mother’s Day

Meet 5 African Women Entrepreneurs who share their Entrepreneurial Journey with Message on Mother’s Day

Meet 5 African Women Entrepreneurs who share their Entrepreneurial Journey with Message on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is the special Day of year. Mother’s Day is a holiday honoring motherhood that is observed in different forms across globe. In the United States, Mother’s Day 2022 will occur on Sunday, May 8. The American incarnation of Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and became an official U.S. holiday in 1914. Jarvis would later denounce the holiday’s commercialization and spent the latter part of her life trying to remove it from the calendar. While dates and celebrations vary, Mother’s Day traditionally involves presenting moms with flowers, cards and other gifts.

In celebration of Mother’s Day we are highlighting every individuals Professional and Entrepreneurial Journey and inspiring stories from different fields from Africa Region. They are creating meaningful impact in the world. We hope their inspiring stories will inspire to all. So guys read on:

Osaro Gladys

Famous As: Education Entrepreneur

Osaro Gladys, born on 27th June 1976, married and has three children, two girls and one boy. Teaching is my profession, I have been into it for 28 years, I also do home lesson after school to support my teaching job and my family. Although the salary is not encouraging but I have to do it because I love doing it. I have passion on the less privileged to assist them whenever the needs arises.

Message on Mother’s Day:

You inject energy, hope, and confidence in me. Thank You for being an inspiration – Always! Happy Mother’s Day.

Evarlyn William

Famous As: Social Entrepreneur

Evarlyn William, born on 5th April 1978, a Kenyan, single responsible mother of two.
O’level of education and been in to child protection for over 10 years, also had elderly/less advantaged feeding programme for over 4 years, Doing hawking to support my family and the less disadvantaged community members, doing Home Based Care for the HIV bedridden people to support them gain their health back, rescuing abandoned babies, a community own resource person for I have aheart for the community.

Message on Mother’s Day:

People are wrong when they say “Nothing is perfect in this world”. I know a perfect person and I call her Mom. Happy Mother’s Day Mom!

Favour Divine Matthew

Famous As: Social Entrepreneur

I’m Favour Divine Matthew
Discipline Educationalist,
Occupation: Missionary and social worker
Hon Ambassador International for peace
Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace.
Organization: Member of Wells International
Tourism, Cultural and Educational (WITCEF) from Nigeria.

Message on Mother’s Day:

To the world, you may be a Mom, but to me, you are no less than a Magician. Because I find instant relief from all stress, tension, and sadness when you hug me, talk to me, or fondle my forehead. Stay cheerful always. Happy Mother’s Day!

Patricia Okata

Famous As: Business Entrepreneur

Patricia Okata, married and mother of three. A Marketer of Organic Products; Food and Harbal Medicines for over fifteen years.
Has a Childhood passion as a nature lover. Encourages people to make a better future for Everyone to live Healthy lifestyle Naturally. She personally believe that there is no need for artificial products hence her focus is to keep Encouraging people Standing herself as a Role Model Believing Natural Beauty is the Best Make up for life kind to Cherish and Sustainable Nature World for better future.

Message on Mother’s Day:

Mom – you are the best person in my life. You are my forever friend, philosopher, and guide. I cannot explain how much you mean to me. Sending you a sky of happiness on this Mother’s Day!

Pastor Lilian David

Famous As: Business Entrepreneur

I am Pastor Lilian David
An Entrepreneur, uses nature for skin care and health remedies
I do online ministry on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and YouTube.
I also organize training on skills acquisition for women.

Message on Mother’s Day:

The way you handle pressure, smile even at difficult moments, keep your calm in disturbing times, take care of everyone around you, and excel at your workplace are outstanding. I always want to be like you Mom. Thank You for all the teachings. Love You & Happy Mother’s Day.



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