Home Hello Womeniya Meet Anu Kapoor Mumbai based Punjabi woman Entrepreneur & founder of Choco Pearl who shared her Entrepreneurial Journey with Hello Mumbai News

Meet Anu Kapoor Mumbai based Punjabi woman Entrepreneur & founder of Choco Pearl who shared her Entrepreneurial Journey with Hello Mumbai News

Meet Anu Kapoor Mumbai based Punjabi woman Entrepreneur & founder of Choco Pearl who shared her Entrepreneurial Journey with Hello Mumbai News


Wish you a very happy New year from Hello Mumbai News Team!

On the occasion of Lohri festival 2024 In our Business  Entrepreneur of the year 2024 Series in this Episode we are introducing before you a very dynamic and visionary woman who believes in Action and because of her good  hard and soft nature work she is very much popular in Mumbai and all business Networking groups Yes we are talking about Anu Kapoor  founder of  Choco Pearl Food Startup.She shared her success story with us so guys don’t waste your time and read on this.

Startup Name:


Founder: Anu Kapoor

Founded: 2010

Contact Details:

Phone: +91-9920631945
Email: anu.vkapoor@gmail .com

Social Media Link :


Instagram: @anukapoorchefhttp://anukapoorchef

Headquarter : Mumbai

Category: Food

Brief  Introduction : Anu Kapoor  a passionate Baker by profession &. she do all Healthy Bakes. All types of eggless cakes. Brownies, Vega and cakes, Sugar free & Gulten free cakes like Quinoa cake, Almond, flour, cake. with varieties of Cookies, &Breads, Muffins, sweet & Savory.

She also do Chocolate homemade with Nuts & different types of homemade fillings.Desserts with mousse, & puddings.

Reached the Master Chef qualifying the round s 3 years consecutively. Baked 1000+ cakes so far Baked and delivered Designer Cakes within few hours

-Healthy cakes
-Quinoa Cakes
-Keto Cakes

Hello Mumbai News: Welcome to Hello Mumbai News Anuji Thank you very much for giving your precious time for the Interview.

Anu Kapoor: Thank you Aleem my pleasure to be here.

Hello Mumbai News:C

ould you Introduce your self for our readers.

Anu Kapoor :

yes sure,I am Anu Kapoor Baker and Chocolateier.For me my career began with making different varieties of food for my childrens but didn’t realise when I taken Baking & Chocolate making become my passion & profession.

Some key Facts about CHOCO-PEARL and ANU KAPOOR.
They are made with special LOVE  ingredients ,Chocolate, cake and dessert that fill you with Joy and Happiness.I love my passion for Baking.
The ingredients used are totally fresh, authentic, premium & preservatives free It’s totally handcrafted with love & warmth of mom .100% purity and genuine procedure used for the preparation.
I am proud Mom,proud grand mom,a wife,Teacher,mentor,most importantly an awesome Baker & Chocolateier.who uses her intuition, instinct & inclination to making difference in her clients lives through line of products.

Hello Mumbai News:

Challenges and difficulties you faced in the beginning in your Entrepreneurial Journey:

Anu Kapoor:

These 15 years have not been easy.The ups and Downs,the cut throat competition,the need to revive, keeping upgrading & Survive the full fledged.Lockdown……I look back & I am super duper proud of my self.

Hello Mumbai News:

Your Biggest Inspiration?

Anu Kapoor

Biggest inspiration are my children for whom I have braved the world & alway moved forward.
When the world is running towards westernised & commercial branding and packaging of products my USP is Simplicity & genuineness of my product.

Hello Mumbai News:

What prompted you to start this Business?

Anu Kapoor :

This passion as made me reach to Master Chef.4.and Amul platform.I cherish my this Achievements life long with Amul still working for them.

Hello Mumbai News:

Your Favourite Quote:

Anu Kapoor:
Let’s embark on a culinary adventures together & satisfy your Sweet Carving.

Hello Mumbai News:

What Inspired to Start your Starup/Business?

Anu Kapoor:

My Inner Conference inspired me to start my business.As you know i come from Punjabi Community we believe in Business and Trade I born and brought up in Business second most important thing I wanted to help and to support small consumer through my products because my products are very much affordable.
Hello Mumbai News:
What Challenges have you faced as a woman Entrepreneur and how did you overcome them?
Anu Kapoor:
Limited Network,less experience and how to market my products were the biggest challenges but gradually I handled it smoothly and never lose  my passion.
Hello Mumbai News:
Tell Something about your Startup and how people can benifits from it?

Anu Kapoor:

My Starup Name is ‘Choco Pearl’ we provide Home made Cake and Chocolate.Our main USP is our prices are cost effective and we provide Home delivery on a very reasonable price.
Hello Mumbai News:
How you Market and promote your business?
Anu Kapoor: Through Social Media platforms and Networking group.

Hello Mumbai News:
Where does your inspiration come from?
Anu Kapoor: My Inner Confidence and My family Members.
Hello Mumbai News?
What is your future plans for 2024?
Anu Kapoor: I want to promote my business globally I want to launch franchise of my brand.
Hello Mumbai News:
Do you agree Mumbai is good place for women Entrepreneurs?
Anu Kapoor : Absolutely no doubt about this being a financial capital Mumbai has great and wide scope for SMEs and Entrepreneurs.
Hello Mumbai News:
How you balance your professional and personal life?
Anu Kapoor:
I am very much punctual about my time and schedule but now I am used to i managed it.Time management and discipline i followed it.
Hello Mumbai News:
What advice would you give to someone who are inspiring women Entrepreneurs?
Anu Kapoor: Believe in yourself you are best version on Earth.Don’t imitate any others.

Hello Mumbai News:
What Women Inspire you?
Anu Kapoor: Myself.
Hello Mumbai News:

What’s your Message on Lohri festival?
Anu Kapoor:

Lohri has been always special for me it brings the happiness and joy for us it’s a new year for us. Lohri brings properity.widh you a very Happy Lohri to all!!




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