Home Hello Womeniya Mumbai: Mrs. Shalini Sharma Prez, Inner Wheel Club, Dis 307, Bilaspur, H.P speaks to Hello Mumbai News Reporter Ashmita Chhabria on her Team’s experience and Charity Work amid Lockdown

Mumbai: Mrs. Shalini Sharma Prez, Inner Wheel Club, Dis 307, Bilaspur, H.P speaks to Hello Mumbai News Reporter Ashmita Chhabria on her Team’s experience and Charity Work amid Lockdown

Mumbai: Mrs. Shalini Sharma Prez, Inner Wheel Club, Dis 307,   Bilaspur, H.P speaks to Hello Mumbai News Reporter Ashmita Chhabria on her Team’s experience and Charity Work amid Lockdown


Inner Wheel Club was founded in Manchester in the year 1924. Since then the Club has been actively undertaking charity work around the world.

Speaking to Hello Mumbai News Reporter Ashmita Chhabria over phone, Shalini Sharma, President, Inner Wheel Club, Bilaspur,  dis 307 ,H.P, said her team have made Mask Donations, and held awareness campaigns in the slum areas and conveying to them how to take precautions in daily life.

Currently, they are working on a major project. Due to COVID-19 induced lockdown, schools have started online lectures and hence, the ones who do not have any equipment to study online (People Below Poverty Line) Mrs. Shalini and her team are helping them in their studies by providing them with notes and study materials.

Twice a week the team visits the poor children and helps them out. They have also held Blood Donation Camps, Grocery Packet Distribution and Sanitization of Colonies.

When quizzed about government performance she said, “Each state has its own government and the government is doing its best in amending laws and taking necessary precautions in accordance to their State’s situation. Now her team are holding Panchayat Elections and hence few Ministers are proceeding on rallies. This is leading to mass gatherings. Ministers and leaders themselves have been tested positive and people attending rallies are also being tested positive. The government should take action against such political personalities.”

Himachal is a small place, and people there are not well versed do about Inner Wheel Club. So their future plan is to bring Inner Wheel Club into the limelight and create awareness about the club among the locals. Also they want more women to join them and help with donations.

Shalini conveys her message for the society by saying, “Your life is in your hands. When we visit the slums we see that people there are taking more precautious than in the cities. Uneducated people are taking care of themselves better than the educated ones.

Pathetically, uneducated people follow all the norms made by government for safety whereas educated people don’t follow them.

Medical Camp pic during lockdown.

Hence, she appeals to people to take all the precautions, wear mask properly, and to maintain social distancing”.

News Report by: Ashmita Chhabria

News Edit by K.V.Raman


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