Home Art & Culture Mumbai : Incredible Art created during lockdown by Artist Sangeeta Babani

Mumbai : Incredible Art created during lockdown by Artist Sangeeta Babani

Mumbai : Incredible Art created during lockdown by Artist Sangeeta Babani

The Boundary, Acrylic on canvas

The Boundary, Acrylic on canvas.

A window is a moment when the boundary also becomes a frame, it highlights exactly where you cannot be — a boundary of aspiration, movement ,fear, courage, time….Staring out of the window has become a daily activity during lockdown, this city still tickles my curiosity and with tinted glasses looks very colourful.

A boundary is not that at which something stops, but that from which something begins.

Brief Introduction of Sangeeta Babani :

A Celebrated Artist and well known for her vibrant palette, Sangeeta Babani has come a long way.

since she first held a paint brush, a lover of colours and empty canvases, she has brought a unique dimension to Art by being amongst the first to use Cars as her canvas, starting with Tata Motors she has gone on to work with BMW, Jeep and Mercedes. The award winning Artist also showcased her versatility by taking Art outside the traditional gallery space with a 18 feet Art Installation called The Lost Art at Palladium.

The Artist has been spending time creating Art and sculptures during this Lockdown. This has been a period of self reflection, to try to understand what kind of world I’d like to live in,  removed from society and the regular stimuli that might spark imagination,  I am finding inspiration in the slowness that isolation brings, creativity is within me, all I need is to look out the window to stimulate my creativity.



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