Home Art & Culture Mumbai: Mumbai’s renowned Astrologer Hittesh Gurujee today predicts on Astrology

Mumbai: Mumbai’s renowned Astrologer Hittesh Gurujee today predicts on Astrology

Mumbai: Mumbai’s renowned Astrologer Hittesh Gurujee today predicts on Astrology

7 Feb. S13. Moon is in GEMINI MITHUN LD. Friday Rahu Kaal 10:30 to 12 noon.Today is shri Vishwakarma jayanti.

Achuk Upai:- Do Darshan Vishwakarma for success in tools, machine & construction work.

  1. GEMINI MITHUN. If your Name starts from alphabets K, CHHA, GH, Q & C then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Light blue. Profession & finance: The flow of work at your work place may be smooth & satisfactory. Personal life: Keep close people of faith, it will help you to keep your faith alive; which can give you a positive Aura for now and for the future. Emotions & feelings: Today the stars and planets can be causing a positive change in your life. Travel: Travel with like minded devotional people may be helpful for today & tomorrow both. Health: Today you can be very busy, it can be a boon, but tomorrow this same busy schedule might be a reason for stress, anxiety, fear and illness so take care. Food & comforts: Today all types of comforts may be experienced by you but please don’t be addicted to any. For tomorrow please try and do the Achuk Upai and use Aura Meditation incense sticks.
  • CANCER KARK. If your Name starts from alphabets H & DD then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is White. Profession & finance: Don’t present all your thoughts at the same time. Don’t open all your cards at the same time. Emotions & feelings: You might be happy and in the mood of celebration; but be careful that your happiness and celebration won’t become a cause of headache for others. Health: Health of some elderly person will be a cause of concern for you. Travel: There may be pleasure travel. Personal life: Spending quality time with your family can also give you happiness. Food & comforts: Even if you do get food of your choice today, you may not be able to enjoy it. Use Aura Cleanser Lemon incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • LEO SIHA. If your Name starts from alphabets M & TT then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Pale yellow. Profession & finance: Today you may be lucky. Emotions & feelings: Today you can get wealth and happiness both by making some voluntarily contribution in some spiritual work. Health: Feed dogs; the leftovers from your plate for good health. Travel: Short travel may bring benefits today. Personal life: Relations with the opposite sex may be good and rewarding today. Food & comforts: Today if you use the power of your thought you may get comfort, wealth and happiness both. Use Aura Cleanser Lemon incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • VIRGO KANYAA. If your Name starts from alphabets P, TAHHA & ANNA then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Sky blue. Emotions & feelings: ‘Acceptance’ is the key word for you today. Accept the present moment, accept your problems, and accept the surrounding. Without acceptance, no solution is possible.  Health: Today is not a day to show some stunts. Do not go near unknown waters like sea, river etc. Specially don’t try to swim in it.  Travel: If forced to travel take double care today, be safe, ride or drive safely, if you are not driving then ask the driver to be safe. Profession & finance: Today is a tough day; but taking advice from elders and your Guru can save your day.  Personal life: Some big and unpleasant surprise may visit a person of opposite sex and you in a process of helping the person might land into the trouble yourself.  Food & comforts: Today the work pressure can put you down. Use ‘Protection’ Baglaamukhi incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • LIBRA TULAA. If your Name starts from alphabets R & T then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Off-white. Emotions & feelings: Boredom is good; remember it’s a human quality. Animals don’t get bored. Boredom if totally lived can lead to enlightenment. Health: There will be a general sense of sluggishness today. Travel: Avoid travelling today. Profession & finance: You will not get profitable deals. Don’t think of profit today, think of your commitment. Personal life: Keep your frustration under control & be a little diplomatic today and save yourself from trouble. Food & comforts: Today there may be some expenditure but that can be a cause of luxury in your life, so don’t worry over it if can afford it. Use ‘Aura Meditation’ incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • SCORPIO VIRSCHIK. If your Name starts from alphabets N & Y then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Dark yellow. Emotions & feelings: You may have faith and confidence in yourself today. Health: There may be a general sense of sluggishness. Travel: This is a good time to travel for work. Profession & finance: Today your investments may yield good returns. Today you can also get monetary gains if you can be helpful in some spiritual social work. Personal life: Today is a day to love yourself. Food & comforts: There are strong chances of getting comforts today. Use ‘Shring Laxmi’ incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • SAGITTARIUS DHANU. If your Name starts from alphabets DHA, BHA, DAHA, F & PHA then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Cream. Emotions & feelings: Today the stars are in your and your family’s favor. They are creating opportunities of happiness. Health: You may be in good health, but if you have inclination to indulge in evil acts then you may lose your luster. Travel: Go for a vacation for a couple of days or take a day off if you can. Profession & finance: Today if you spread the fame or word of your Guru you can be blessed by monetary gains and happiness both. Personal life: Today the key word is ‘Share’ for you. If you are ready to share your profits with others, your profit and income can increase too. Food & comforts: By the grace of your family you can obtain tasty food and comforts today. Use ‘Aura Cleanser’ Lemon incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • CAPRICORN MAKKAR. If your Name starts from alphabets KH & J then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Violet. Emotions & feelings: Haste in decision making can cause a huge loss to you. Take decisions slowly and once the decision is taken start work on it immediately. Health: Get yourself checked if you feel like illness, weakness or laziness today. Travel: Not a good time for travel except but for pilgrimage or religious place. Profession & finance: Today you need to check your accounts; there can be some goof up happening. Personal life: You can lend yourself in trouble and face loses today, if you can’t let go and stick to that which has already passed. Let bygones be bygones. Food & comforts: Today save yourself from evil eye by using Aura cleanser lemon or Protection incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • AQUARIUS KUMBH. If your Name starts from alphabets S, SH, KSH & G then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Black & white. Emotions & feelings: Everyone likes to hear and you too may love listening to your praise. But today be careful of the people praising you, there might be some hidden motive behind their praises. Health: Today you may have fear of ailments & loss of respect. Please remember, this world illusion is created from your mind. They you may think so may happen. Your fears may manifest. Drop your fears by Pranayam, Mantra, Achuk Upay & use of lemon incense sticks. Travel: Take care of your belongings if you wish to travel today. Profession & finance: Today chances of some losses are strong. Personal life: The misunderstanding which has suddenly arisen, may take some time to resolve. Give it some time. Food & comforts: Do progress today, but do not celebrate your progress; celebration can attract jealousy or evils eye. Use ‘Aura Meditation’ incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  1. PISCES MEEN. If your Name starts from alphabets D, CHA, Z & THA then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Dark blue. Emotions & feelings: People talking good about you may keep you happy today. Health: Smile more to stay healthy today. Travel: This is a very good time for travel, especially pleasure travel. Profession & finance: There can be some Ordinary gain of money today. Personal life: Help the needy today. Food & comforts: With the blessings of your Guru you can obtain the best of comforts today. Use ‘Shring Laxmi’ incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  1. ARIES MESH. If your Name starts from alphabets A, L, E, I & O then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Brown. Emotions & feelings: Today you can get monetary gains, if you can contact the person you have missed to contact in the last few days. Health: Drink a lot of water today to stay healthy. Travel:  Spiritual or religious travel can be planned today. Profession & finance: Today you can get benefits from the government or by government related work. Personal life: Sustain on the path that you have chose with complete fearlessness and confidence. Food & comforts: The more information you have, the more you can be benefitted today.
  1. TAURUS VRUSHABH. If your Name starts from alphabets B, V, U & W then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Dark Pink. Emotions & feelings: Lust & Desire is what you have to watch out for today. Health: For good health, remove some food from your plate and feed it to dogs. Travel: Travels are there but do not carry any expensive items or big amount of cash with you today. Profession & finance: Do Seva / service to save yourself from losses & to improve your finance. Personal life: ‘Acceptance & Surrender’ are the key words for you today. Accept the present moment & surrender to divine wish, accept your problems and accept the surrounding. Without acceptance, no solution is possible. With total surrender & knowing that divine & Guru are with you take action; because acceptance must not be a passive acceptance, it has to be active one. Food & comforts: Good food & comforts may cost you very dearly today.

For more details please contact HITTESHGURUJEE email: hitteshgurujee@gmail.com phone +919930577899/ +919321167998/ 022 4972 1789.

Joy Guru Dev    Hari Aum Tatsat


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