Home Western Awareness Campaign against Corruption by Activist Kamlakar Shenoy.

Awareness Campaign against Corruption by Activist Kamlakar Shenoy.


By Hello Mumbai Team (Mumbai)

I humbly request every citizen to seek information from government on the following issues
A. The views and difficulties of common man and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME).
B.  Action  to solve difficulties of common man and  SME.
C. To prevail upon government to be just and loyal to common man/SME  and not to tax him as industrialist and companies.
D. to justify the commission charged by credit and debit card as they become 25% partner just by transaction without investment and risk.
E. What about social and medical security to common man after collecting heavy taxes upto 28% when other neighboring countries are charging 6 to 7 %.
F. Why has the government not brought legislation to attach the properties of public servants who are caught taking bribes and / or who have Disproportionate assets.
G. What action is taken against Minister and IAS  officers and HOD if the project sanctioned is not completed and the cost of project is inflated multiple times and still left incomplete for decades.
H. No amount of tax can satisfy the government if government formulates laws such as sanction to prosecute corrupt public servants inspite of being caught red handed by ACB  or for having DPA.
I. If for prosecution of public there is no need for sanction in that event the law to seek sanction of corrupt public servants should be repealed
J. The public is been prosecuted for delay in compliance inspite of government failure to provide just and appropriate infrastructure. In that event public servant shall be prosecuted for delay of compliance. In the event if his senior fails to act against him in that event the senior officer shall also be prosecuted.
K. The prosecution of public servants for offence of
Corruption DPA delay to act in accordance with law
Shall be by way of summary trial and shall be disposed off within 6 months.
L. We need a legislation to stop politics being transformed to family business and property. This is the main reason for corruption.  Only one person in family shall be entitled to hold party post / contest elections.
Compliance of the above shall help to reduce corruption and thereby reduce the tax liability
We common man need.


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