Home Western Builder Abu Solanki & Shapoorji Pallonji out from Bheram project after 25 years battle-Mahada takes over its Plot puts own board

Builder Abu Solanki & Shapoorji Pallonji out from Bheram project after 25 years battle-Mahada takes over its Plot puts own board

Builder Abu Solanki & Shapoorji Pallonji  out  from Bheram project after 25 years battle-Mahada takes over its Plot puts own board

It is a major setback to Mumbai based real easte firms Abu Solanki & Associates and Shapoorji Pallonji Group.

Following a 25 years legal battle with SRA

Mhada put its own board at Bheram pada SRA Scheme.

and Developers, Mhada has taken posecession of its own land, CTS  bearing No 608 /668 off R.A Marg
Behrampada, Bandra East.

Blatantly, Mhada has put its own board amid high police security cover clearly mentioning ” This Property Belongs to Mhada. If anyone attempts to tresspass, legal action will be initiated against him”.

This Board has created chaos and relief for the residents of Behrampada and Social activists who were fighting this legal battle since last several years.
To get the facts and truth behind the action of Mhada, Hello Mumbai News visited the area and took an opportunity to catch up with the complainants and activists who raised this issue before Mhada to get the facts.

While giving an interview to Hello Mumbai News Noor Mohammad Shaikh said, “after a long time and long battle, we got a result. Originally this land belongs to Mhada and its a Mhada layout. Now Mhada has transferred it to their own name as Mhada in the property card cts no 668 which is now a Mhada Property.

In last 25 years SRA and Developer misguided local people in the name of re-devolpment and SRA Scheme, Developer Abu Solanki and Shaporji Pallonji with the help of corrupt SRA officers sumbitted bogus documents, false layout plan, false Slum plan without NOC of Mhada. Why am I saying this is because It was purely a Mhada land and Mhada layout. But, SRA and Developer tried to build their own scheme which is tatally wrong. It is a clear cut a case of cheating, fraud and scam which SRA and Developer have done with Mahada and Local people of Behrampada.

It is learnt that Mhada had issued three notices to SRA to cancel this illegal scheme. However following long battle Mhada emerged successfully and declared its own ownership and put its own board on 13.07.22.
“Nevertheless, our fight is not over yet. Our demand to the Goverenment to initiate legal action against Developer and SRA officers inolved in this scheme. FIR should be filed against all the culprits and they must be put behind bars concluded Noor Mohammad Shaikh.

Taher Ahsan Khan, local resident of Behrampada and Social Activist expressed his view on this development. We the people of Bherampada got much relief when we came to know the fact this land is the property of Mhada not from day one. I am versed with the entire fact and several times times raided this issue before SRA also but nobody took it seriously.

Continuing he said ” I will apprise you with the brief facts about this scheme to your Hello Mumbai vierws. In 1983 then Congress MLA Ahmed Zakaria requested to then Addl Collector V.K.Date to launch affordable housing scheme for weaker section of the society. From the day one it was Mhada land. Mhada granted permission to Contractor Umer Solanki to construct five buildings which was self developlement and people have paid 34.000 per flat.

Noor Md Shaikh. Taher Ahsan khan and Yunush Musa shaikh , these three faces who exposed this Scam.

Interestingly in 2000 Umer Solanki’s son Abu Solanki set his foot in this scheme and approched SRA to develop this project under SRA scheme with  Shapoorji Pallonji Group  .Thereafter SRA issued I.O.D,C.C,and LOI without NOC from Mhada. Ironically, both SRA and Abu Solanki misguided local people of Behrampada. Now the beans have been spilled and truth has emerged.

Further added, I have also submitted a Writ Petition in the Court of Law in 2021. Acoording to my view, it is a Rs.300 crore scam and those involved in this scam should be punished and dealt with severely in terms of law. Mhada should register FIR against all the culprits involved in this unpleasant game said Tahir Ahsan Khan

How this scam got exposed :

In 2016 local residents of Bherampada, Yunus Musa Shaikh filed an RTI and sought information about the ownership status of CTS  no 608 &  668 plot where Developer planned to construct and sell the building.
In the RTI it was revealed that this plot belongs to Mhada Property and its Garden Reservation Plot.
Following this information, in 2017, Noor Mohamad filed a complaint against Abu Solanki& Associates , Bheram Sudhar Committee and Shapoorji Pallonji and demanded high level inquiry concerning this land scam .
“Finally after our complaint and continous follow up Mhada swung into action and issued notices to SRA. Now, atlast, Mhada got its own land.

We express our sincere gratitude to all those who extended their valued support to us to in exposing this scam”, said Yunus Shaikh while in conversation with Hello Mumbai News.

Yunus further added , we are not against Development but since from day one Developer used wrong ways and means and illegally hijacked the Mhada scheme and converted it to SRA Scheme which is totally incorrect.
It is my request to the Mhada authorities to dismantle the illegal cabin of the Security Guard watch of the developer who are still occupying the Mahada plot .
Hello Mumbai tried to contact Mhada Officer for their views, but none were available.
Hello Mumbai News also communicated with Ram Krupa project In-Charge of Shapoorji Pallonji Group through whatsapp message. He has seen our message. But there is no reponse whatsoever from his side.
Our story is aptly based on documents and statement of the complainants .

News Edit: K.V.Raman


  1. It was mhada plot till 2003 ,after measuring the plot 608 land increased 6201.5 sq.mt.it’s named to MAHARASHTRA government, it named in property card also.second there is no name of mhada in pt668.we can prove this.pls conferm the documents before news. We will give you relevant documents are u ready for oppos the news which u have given online whatsup. .


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