Home Maharashtra & Goa Dr. Suraina Malhotra From NCP Supports ‘Kisan Red Morcha’ For Survival

Dr. Suraina Malhotra From NCP Supports ‘Kisan Red Morcha’ For Survival

Dr. Suraina Malhotra From NCP Supports ‘Kisan Red Morcha’ For Survival

Dr. Suraina Malhotra who is the President of North Central Mumbai District of Mumbai Mahila & Doctor’s Cell Nationalist Congress Party, says, Unless troubled to the core, such a massive rally of 30 thousand farmers in cohesion would not have come out, all with their families, including infants, toddlers, old parents, people who do not even have proper footwear to wear, old people having worn out footwear tied together with plastic bags & we the city people, use ‘Nike’ shoes & practice for months for a Marathon .Not that it’s wrong to practice but just said that for comparison to show that how ill equipped they are, with nothing in their hands, nothing in their minds but just despair.Just imagine, what it takes a person to move out of their village & walk such a long distance in the scorching heat, their feet bleeding, burning… their souls burning… but the sever burning hunger in their bellies make them walk & walk for their survival.


The ‘Red’ red of the burning hunger.. red denoting the danger.. red a warning to the people who govern, telling them to ultimately STOP this cruelty. We are human beings.. they say, they cry… they commit suicide.. hoping that at least after their death the family will get out of the clutches of these destructive loans, hoping that their families would get some help from the Government who could not help them when alive.Nothing moves the people who rule. Why, why are they not helped? They are our ‘Annadata’. Don’t they deserve respect? Why can’t the people who rule show such sensitivity? The farmers are the oppressed class yet despite walking such a long distance.. despite being tired in this hot scorching heat… thy think of others, of exam going students… brings tears to the eyes….


Praying that ultimately at least this would bring some relief for them, which is long deserved, Please they are just humans, just like us.We all stay in Maharashtra, we are all Maharashtrians… We are all Indians.

We at NCP all support their long Red march for survival.
– Dr.Suraina Malhotra.


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