Home Central Kamala Mills Tragedy NGO Demands CBI Inquiry Against The Culprit

Kamala Mills Tragedy NGO Demands CBI Inquiry Against The Culprit

Kamala Mills Tragedy NGO Demands CBI Inquiry Against The Culprit

Kamala Mills Tragedy which claimed 14 lives and injured 21 is now become a big challenge for the Bmc and created controversy .Congress protested against Bmc and demanding resignation of Bmc Commissioner. On the other hand various City base Ngos and Rti activist also responsible for the Bmc.


Maharashtra Base Ngo “Al Insaf Public Foundation demands CBI Inquiry in to this matter.” we are not satisfied with the inquiry and legal action against the pub owners because it is only formalities by Bmc and police, demolition drive by Bmc against illegal construction is only Eye wash it’s a big tragedy the pub owners violated all norms and regulations of the Bmc in my point of view CBI Inquiry should be conducted in this matter and independent inquiry should be against all those who are responsible for this tragedy, Said Faisal Banaraswala Mumbai President, and Media Co ordinator of Al Insaf Public Foundation.

Mansoor Khan, National Vice president, Akhil Bhartiya Kamgar Sudhark sang) also supporting to Al Insaf Public Foundation. “We condemend this tragedy and Bmc should take the who responsibility for this tragedy in future to avoid such type of tragedy we will create “self help group” which will inform the Bmc about the illegal activities”, said Mansoor Khan.

Zahid Patka ,National Vp, Akhil Bhartiya Kamgar Sudhark Sangh, also appealed to Bmc Commissioner to take legal action against the corrupted officers who are responsible for this tragedy, he also app to Mumbaikar to help the government agencies if they find any illegal activities in the local vicinity.

Very soon we are going to file PIL against the Bmc and the accused who are responsible for this tragedy says Faisal Banaraswala.

In this Press conference Pervez Banarswala and other social activist were also present.

“We will make our own group of people who will monitor the illegal activities related with the Fire violation in hotels and restaurants and we will inform the government authorities, because we don’t want such type of tragedy should be repeat” Said V.N. Chaturvedi Vice president Al Insaf Public Foundation Mumbai unit.




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