Home Central Mumbai: Mumbai Shiv Vahtuk Sena Leader Sajid K. Supariwala thanks one and all in the Muslim Community for praying at home during the Ramadaan and maintaining Social Distance

Mumbai: Mumbai Shiv Vahtuk Sena Leader Sajid K. Supariwala thanks one and all in the Muslim Community for praying at home during the Ramadaan and maintaining Social Distance

Mumbai: Mumbai Shiv Vahtuk Sena Leader Sajid K. Supariwala thanks one and all in the Muslim Community for praying at home during the Ramadaan and maintaining Social Distance

Lockdown picture of south Mumbai during Ramzan.

Mumbai: Mumbai Shiv Vahtuk Sena Leader Sajid K. Supariwala thanks one and all in the Muslim Community for praying at home during the Ramadaan and maintaining Social Distance

Mumbai: While its been 10 days since Ramadaan, Mumbai Shiv Vahtuk Sena leader Sajid K. Supariwala, amidst Alhamdulillah
“we all have completed nine rozas (fasts) and it affords me privilege to wish and congratulate one and all for almost completing the first Ashra (1st 10 days) and at the same time thank one and all of the Muslim community for trying to be safe and praying at home with families. For the ensuing days also its my appeal to all to please continue with the same discipline, respect the lockdown and the authorities by cooperating and help to control the Coronavirus by not crowding at any place for marketing, shopping etc. Please try to maintain social distance and. remember all the people in the world in your duas.

I will also pray for the same for all! Ameen. Lets fight the pandemic together! Jai Hind
Jai Maharashtra!

News Edit by K.V.Raman


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