Home Western Mumbai: Mumbai’s iconic PT Mane Garden at Nagpada shut down due to anti-CAA protest fear – committee upset with Mumbai Police

Mumbai: Mumbai’s iconic PT Mane Garden at Nagpada shut down due to anti-CAA protest fear – committee upset with Mumbai Police

Mumbai: Mumbai’s iconic PT Mane Garden at Nagpada shut down due to anti-CAA protest fear – committee upset with Mumbai Police

Mumbai: Mumbai’s P.T. Mane Garden at Nagpada , that boasts of being the financial capital’s first theme based garden and rated as one of the major attractions of Mumbai is lying shut for visitors by the Mumbai Police since the last 25 days.

This according to the police is as precautionary measures to thwart the protestors from causing damage to the newly renovated Garden existing in the biggest Garden.

But alarmingly, the Mumbai Police fail to understand that with the closure of the Garden they are depriving the Senior Citizens and those who use the jogging park at Garden for their morning walk. The students are put into inconvenience as they are unable to use the Study Centre in the garden as this garden has such a huge collection of trees and plants hence it an ideal botanical garden for the students who study Botany.

Speaking to Hello Mumbai News, Aziz Makki said that many regular users of the garden are put into gross inconvenience as some people who come here for Yoga and Meditation are deprived from use of the Garden.

While Speaking with Aleem Shaikh of Hello Mumbai News over phone Deputy Commissioner Zone 3 DCP Abhinash Kumar says “in regard to the closure of the Garden and the unending traffic chaos, the public find it extremely difficult to walk, he said he is aware of this and will look into the matter seriously. He also said that the media too should highlight this matter.

Similar situation exists in YMCA at Agripada where Muslim women in large numbers are staging protests against CAA NRC and NPR.
Locals and Committee of the area express anguish as the roads and the pedestrian oath is barricaded by the police causing gross inconvenience to people particularly to senior citizens and above all students.

News Edit by K.V. Raman

Picture of PT Mane Garden, Nagpada


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