Business Leadership League to organise Business Topline Growth Meet on 17 th June

    Event Details:



    You may meet a potential customer who can buy your products or services. You may meet potential resellers and distributors

    You may meet a potential partner who can help you expand your business.


    You may learn about a new marketing strategy that can help you reach more customers.

    You may learn about a new sales technique that can help you close more deals.

    You may learn about a new operational process that can help you save money You may be inspired to develop a new product or service that can generate new revenue streams.


    You can be inspired by the stories of other entrepreneurs who have overcome challenges and achieved success. These stories can show you that anything is possible if you are willing to work hard and never give up.

    You can be inspired by the latest trends and technologies that are changing the business landscape. These trends and technologies can help you stay ahead of the competition and grow your business.

    You can be inspired by the insights of experts who can share their knowledge and experience. These experts can help you learn from their mistakes and avoid making the same mistakes in your own business

    B U S I N E S S D E V E L O P M E N T & V I S I B I L T Y P L A N S

    Pass for Event Access Investment: Rs 1,499 + GST 

    Silver Plan

    Investment: Rs 9,900 + GST

    What you get

    Access to all delegates/participants via Aikyam portal, enabling you to connect with business owners post event

    Your full page ad in the Buyer-seller directory to be distributed to all attendees

    Get higher reach as your company profile will be showcased in Heads UP e-magazine (Reach of 1L+)

    Post event social media showcase 2 Passes

    Gold Plan

    Investment: Rs 49,900 + GST

    What you get

    Gain brand prominence and positive visibility: Engagement Desk, Standee placement/ Brochure distribution

    Access to all delegates/participants via Aikyam portal, enabling you to connect with business owners post event

    Your full page ad in the Buyer-seller directory to be distributed to all attendees Get higher reach as your company profile will be showcases in Heads UP e- magazine (Reach of 1L+)

    Post event social media showcase 4 Passes

    Platinum plan

    Investment: Rs 99,900 + GST

    What you get

    Gain attention and generate credibility: 7 Mins showcase slot position yourself as SME champion

    Gain brand prominence and positive visibility: Engagement Desk, Standee placement/ Brochure distribution

    Access to all delegates/participants via Aikyam portal, enabling you to connect with business owners post event

    Your full page ad in the Buyer-seller directory to be distributed to all attendees Get higher reach as your company profile will be showcases in Heads UP e- magazine (Reach of 1L+)

    Post event social media showcase 4 Passes

    For more details contact us:




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