Home Hello BMC AAP demands re-elections in affected areas in light of Complaints of voters missing from Electoral rolls – BMC Elections 2017

AAP demands re-elections in affected areas in light of Complaints of voters missing from Electoral rolls – BMC Elections 2017


By Aleem Shaikh

Aam Aadmi Party demands that fresh elections be called at the earliest in areas where a critical number of citizens have been left out to choose their representative – a basic human right and cornerstone of a democracy.

We have received various complaints regarding names missing from electoral lists which formed the basis of the just concluded Mumbai Municipal Elections/ 2017. Although AAP did not contest the elections, it is deeply concerned that the right to vote of a substantial number of Mumbaikars has been denied by incomplete and inaccurate electoral rolls thereby undermining the democratic process.

The number of citizens unable to exercise their franchise appears to be large and cuts across the city, different age groups and voter constituencies.  Complaints include absence of names from voter lists, the appearance of voter names on lists of another constituency, lack of preliminary testing and audit of electoral rolls, and insufficient due diligence in the preparation of a document that is the bedrock for elections.  Such an aberration in the conduct of an important election for the future of India’s first metropolis is a blight on the needs and hopes of its citizens.  The one time chance that they have to change their lives has been severely limited.

We understand that the election commission makes a strong effort to run a complex election and are aware of the fallout from the delimitation of wards.  Yet it is difficult to comprehend that given the availability of modern technology, ample time, similar complaints in previous elections, and knowledge that the current election was going to be hotly contested – why so many people were unable to vote?  Our fear is that if this not immediately corrected, the fair conduct of the current and possibly future elections may be in question.

It is the dharma election commission’s dharma to take such measures.

AAP would like to ensure that fundamental constitutional guarantees are respected for all its citizens.  Otherwise, we face the slow and silent murder of democracy.


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