Home Hello BMC BJP Corporator Aneesh Naval Makwaaney claims “biggest problem in his ward is shortage of beds”

BJP Corporator Aneesh Naval Makwaaney claims “biggest problem in his ward is shortage of beds”

BJP Corporator Aneesh Naval Makwaaney claims “biggest problem in his ward is shortage of beds”
Distrubuting Zincovid multivitamin tablets to people for immunity building to fight corona

The Covid-19 pandemic has grabbed the world by its collar and India is currently the worst-affected country, not in terms of the total number of confirmed cases but as the biggest hotspot in the world.

To be updated on the current scenario of the pandemic which is spreading far and wide ragingly, Janvi S.Panjwani, Hello Mumbai News Correspondent took an opportunity to catch up with Mr.Aneesh Makwaaney, BJP Corporator for an exclusive interview.

In the midst of conversing with Janvi S.Panjwani over the phone Mr. Aneesh, said, “Everyday in my Ward around 20-25 new corona cases crops up and death cases have been rare with one or two deaths in 7-8 days and the recovery rate being 99% in my ward”.

Further adding he said, “For vaccination we have set up vaccination centers in which we assist people to register their names for vaccination. Also at the Nanawati Hospital i had assisted someone,who helps the people from my ward for emergency case”.

Mr.Aneesh also pointed out that Me with the help of our MLA Ameet Satam ji are regularly visiting the Cooper Hospital as we had made proposals for setting up vaccination centers to minimise crowd at the vaccination center. Moreover, there is a shortage of oxygen ventilators and beds. So we have demanded for the same from the Commissioner, Municipal Corporation Of Greater Mumbai (MCGM)”.According to him, they are working amidst the average supply

When quizzed on the challenges that he had faced in his Ward, Mr.Aneesh made it known that the “with Beds unavailable this is main and biggest challenge for us. Generally we make normal bed available for a patient and it takes 12-13 hours maximum in search of beds and that too in BKC centres or at Nesco. In private hospitals it takes 2-3 days.

He further added that the situation in 2020, 1,000 cases were coming but as of date10,000 cases are coming per day,. Last year the BMC’s infrastructure was good and sanitization was being carried out on regular basis. They were also distributing Khichdis to the people amid lockdown”.

His opinion on the new lockdown restrictions imposed, he said ” the lockdown decision by the Maha CM is right, but there is no clarity on restrictions.

In the end, he wholeheartedly thanks MP, Poonam Mahajan, MLA’s Ameet Satam ji and Parag Alavani jii and BJP team for their help and support. We are on field and helping people of my ward” , concluded Mr. Aneesh Makwaaney.

News Correspondent: Janvi S Panjwani

News Edit by K.V.Raman


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