London Social Entreprenuer Barkha R Sharma shares her Covid 19 Lockdown experience with Hello Mumbai News

London Social Entreprenuer Barkha R Sharma shares her Covid 19 Lockdown experience with Hello Mumbai News
File Picture of Barkha .R Sharma.

The Whole COVID-19 Experience has been an Eye-Opener , it made me realise that this Life sometimes which we take for granted is so precious & beautiful, we need to step up as Good Citizens and support each other during these unprecedented times, the Crime Rates have increased over the period of time so Reporting something unusual to the Police as a responsible Citizen could even save precious lives & specially victims of Domestic Violence.
The First Lockdown was very challenging but gradually I have learned to adapt to the New Changes and accept this as part of our daily lives, Safely comes First and government guidelines needs to be followed for your own wellbeing and your loved ones .
As a Key Worker I would define this Situation as a Challenging One because as in my profession we have to interact with others, due to Social Distancing guidelines it makes it difficult occasionally to carry on certain mission but over the period of time we will find reasonable solutions.
The Pandemic so to speak will be part of our lives for a while , and we need to follow Safety measures and be responsible for our own actions and also have a sense of responsibility towards others .
My Message is a message of Hope for everyone with the coming of Vaccines and hopefully the Whole Situation is gradually going to rectify, as a human race we have seen worse situation than this , so it’s time to unite as a global community and if countries support each other then we will come out of this faster .
The Government is trying their best and is using all the Resources to help everyone financially, we need to be Responsible and give our own little contribution

Brief Introduction of Barkha R Sharma
Barkha came to London in 2007 and decided to pursue higher studies in Business Administration , Barkha was born in Guwahati which is the Capital City of Assam ,India . Guwahati situated on the Banks of River Brahmaputra is one of the most beautiful cities in India. Her Late Father Sri Buddhin Sharma was a well known Social Worker in his town and mother Nilima Sharma a Spiritualist & Hare Krishna Devotee. Both her parents encouraged her and her Siblings to do Social Service from a young age. Her father was a Divisional Forest Officer his role was to protect the wildlife from Poachers ,he also went to the Interior of Villages and built houses for the Poor and downtrodden before he started a successful business later of Coal Mines and accompanying her Dad in his difficult missions as a child made her realise that giving back to the Community without any Expectations is True Service . Coming from a strict Vaishnava Brahmin Family Barkha had a keen interest in Spirituality and followed the daily ritual of morning and evening prayers and strict fasting from an early age . She believed in Sewa and service towards all communities . She went to Holy Child School ,one of the best schools in the State which was a Roman Catholic School where she studied the Holy Bible . Barkha believes in One God and Humanity is the biggest Religion , having kindness and Compassion for every living being and respecting Mother Nature .
Barkha always got noticed for her beautiful Face and her kind & humble nature .Barkha also won Local Beauty Pagents like Miss NorthEast Photogenic 1994, Miss NorthEast 2nd Runners UP and endorsed The Yamaha Frazer Bike , modelled for the Absolute Vodka Show etc In India.
Barkha had keen interest in Arts, Music and Literature from a young age. She was trained in Shastriya Sangeet by wellknown Hare Krishna Singer Manohar Krishna Das in London.
Her Early Days as a student started in JD Institute of Fashion Technology , New Delhi,India where she studied Fashion Designing .As an Upcoming Fashion Designer where she won The Best Designer of the Year 2004 for her Collection Waves of Rapture which was the overall award .This brought her to instant limelight and fame and she became well known in the higher circles of Delhi & Mumbai and was asked to design wedding couture for a VIP clients . She also wrote articles for local dailies highlighting the local issues of Delhi to certain newspapers inorder to create awareness .
Barkha started serving her Local Community in London in Harrow & Brent since 2008 , working closely with Spiritual Organizations & Community Workshops. Barkha would spend hours at Local Temples , Care Homes etc offering her service .She felt that the Asian Women can play a much wider role in their life and serve the Society also being in the traditional role as a Mother ,Sister ,Daughter or a Wife. She worked with Top Spiritual Leaders like His Holiness Rajreshwar Guruji, London and others and learned the Art of Sattvic Life balancing with the Modern Life . Sprituality plays a very Important Role in the modern Life and is the healthy way to a more progressive Society .
Barkha naturalised as a British Citizen after a few years . She started her journey into Politics in 2019 when she campaigned in The General Elections for the Conservative Party. She felt the Country needed Strong and focussed Leaders inorder to create a more Progressive Nation free from Crime ,Racial Hatred , Provide Home for the Homeless , Encourage Trade Deals etc. She also encouraged and promoted Talents through her Social Networking Platform Real Talent Hunt Global Group which was started in 2012. The Global Group has international Celebrities and Top Professionals , a Unique and Dynamic Networking Platform .Singing is one of her hobby and she felt that creating a platform will give International Networking Opportunities to Upcoming Talents.
Today Barkha R is also a well known TV Presenter and an Anchor and have been invited as a Special Guest in different shows in London and has worked with Top Channels like MATV , Venus TV , Geo News , BBC ,92 News etc . In 2019 Barkha was awarded The SHE AWARDS as the Best Community Worker for the Harrow & Brent Community ,London on International Women’s Day. Her Future Plan is to keep serving her Local Communities as a Social Worker, Identify the Crimes and work out reasonable solutions with the Authorities , work closely with different organizations to bring about a positive change in the Asian Community and all communities in general.
During the Pandemic Barkha has worked closely with different Local Institutions and helped raised Funds for the welfare of the Community . She also has a Facebook Group called Aasha which helps out Victims of Domestic Violence , providing Support and Guidance in a Confidential Manner . Barkha has spoken to many women who have been a victim to sexual assault , domestic violence and feels that strong Community Support is required to encourage these women to live a normal life .
Women in no way should be subjected to ill-treatment and denied equal rights in Society . Every Woman has a right to live her life respectfully and with Dignity with No Fear . As a Society support should be provided so A woman can bring out her Best. Barkha represents the British Asian younger generation of Women Today who have a blend of eastern and modern values required to create a Better Society .
She quotes
I have Miles and Miles to go before I sleep ……….


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