Home Hello Womeniya Meet International Inner Wheel Convention Coordinator Renu Baljee shared her Remarkable Professional journey

Meet International Inner Wheel Convention Coordinator Renu Baljee shared her Remarkable Professional journey

Meet International Inner Wheel Convention Coordinator Renu Baljee shared  her Remarkable Professional journey

Meet International Inner Wheel Convention Coordinator Renu Baljee

International Inner Wheel Convention Coordinator Renu Baljee.shared  her Remarkable Professional journey

Brief introduction of Renu Baljee-

Renu Baljee is one of the most active votaries of the Inner Wheel movement that have emerged on the Shimla and, for that matter, the national scene. Associated with it since 1972, she has left her mark on almost all the activities Inner Wheel has acquired a name for. There is hardly a program Inner Wheel has undertaken with which she has not been intimately associated. She has an impressive record of service to the Inner Wheel movement and the manifold noble causes it has promoted. Two years after joining the Organisation she became the Secretary of Inner Wheel Club of Shimla and soon thereafter its President. She has held the post of Club ISO many times. Renu has held several important posts at District and National level also and her contribution in the planning and implementation of several projects and programs have received wide acclaim and recognition. Renu was President/National Representative, Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in India in the year 1999 – 2000, and Board Director on the International Inner Wheel Board in the year 2001-02. She was also Chairman, Constitution and Credential Committee for the Twelfth Triennial Conference and President of the Past Association Presidents Forum from 2013 to 2016. Renu considers herself to be the privileged one to serve as the Coordinator for the 18th International Inner Wheel Convention Virtual to be held in the year 2021.

Born in Lucknow on April 25th in a highly educated, distinguished family, she graduated in Home Science from the Lady Irwin College, Delhi University, and later took her post-graduate degree in Home Science from the same college. She was the recipient of the Junior Research Fellowship and did extensive research work on child nutrition. She is also well-versed with computers. She has acted in numerous competitions as a judge and earned the admiration of participants as well as competitors alike. She has the gift of the gab and continues to be associated with the media, particularly radio and television.

The Inner Wheel has become a life force for Renu. She has attended several Triennial Conferences and four International Inner Wheel Conventions and it was her involvement with this organization that helped her in picking up the strings of her life in 1996 after the death of her husband, Harsh Baljee, a distinguished Rotarian himself. Her friends from Inner Wheel have been a constant support to her. They have seen to it that her day never be so grey and the sky never so dark. Her two daughters are happily married and settled in their professions. Her three grandchildren – Fizaa, Adit, and Anay – are her source of joy.

Renu has managed to strike a beautiful balance between her profession and family life. She is the owner of a well-known enterprise owning a Hotel and Bakery plant. She is also a member of the All India Women’s Conference, Heart to Heart Society, and Indian Council for Child Welfare. She is the Managing Trustee of Harsh Baljee Memorial Trust. Her interests, apart from her involvement in social service, include broadcasting, writing, focusing light on subjects of importance to the society through seminars, workshops, and similar avenues. Being a regular blood donor herself in the past, she was instrumental in organizing many Blood Donation Camps and, along with her husband, was once adjudged the best couple working towards the cause of blood donation in the state of Himachal Pradesh. She loses no opportunity in working for the welfare of society in every possible way. With her determination, indomitable will, a clear vision, and, above all, an incredible capacity for hard work, coupled with the courage of conviction, Renu has been trying to keep the Inner Wheel flag aloft. Having reached the top, she is determined to continue to guide and assist the Inner Wheel movement in the country to the best of her ability.

Additionally, for the Covid pandemic crisis, she believes everyone should “Stay home even at home wear masks, maintain a social distance and do not allow anybody to come to your house and don’t go out, as well as maintain a track of the friends by talking with them every day providing them moral support.”

News Input by : Radhika Joshi


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