Home Hello Womeniya Meet Sgt Harpreet Chauhan British Army Nurse ,Shares her Professional Journey with Hello Mumbai News

Meet Sgt Harpreet Chauhan British Army Nurse ,Shares her Professional Journey with Hello Mumbai News

Meet Sgt Harpreet Chauhan British  Army Nurse  ,Shares her Professional Journey with Hello Mumbai News

News Input by Kamal Prabhakar UK Head Hello Mumbai News :

Family picture of Sgt Harpreet Chauchan with Husband Capt Munish Chauchan.

File picture of Sgt Harpreet Chauhan.

Sgt HarpreetĀ  Chauhan is a role model to many Asian women living in the United Kingdom. Harpreet moved to the UK in 2006 to attend a family wedding. At that time, her plan was to enjoy the wedding, to have a good time, travel around in the UK and then return back home to India. However, god that different plans for her. She is now settled in the UK and has a great job as a Intensive Care nurse in the British Army. Harpreet is also married to Capt Munish Chauhan, who is a doctor in the British Army. Harpreet and Munish have two children together.

Sergeant Chauhan reveals several members of her family had served in the military. ā€œMy grandfather, served in the Indian Army and my great grandfather fought for the British Army in the Second World War. ā€œshe further said that she wasnā€™t really aware of the wider aspect of the military such as all the other jobs that are available and how supportive the military is of women. However, she always had interest in the Army due to her previous family ties with the military, she says ā€œFrom the beginning I was motivated and passionate to learn new things.ā€

Harpreet said, when she joined the army it was a dauting task to start the Army training and I was a little nervous in the beginning, however, since I started the training and learnt more about the army, I have enjoyed every year of my military career. I have always felt supported in the Army. In her own words ā€œThe army just becomes your family. You always have someone you can talk to. There are many different networks, welfare offices to seek help. And it helps me that there are so many women within the military.ā€
Harpreet says she initially joined the Army in 2007 as a Combat Medical Technician and then later found out about the opportunities about the nursing training that was offered by the Army. She applied and was successful in her application to become an Army nurse. The British Army funded her initial Degree at Birmingham University and then further training in Intensive Care Nursing from Brighton University. Harpreet says that joining the British Army has been the best decision of her life, as she has gained professional qualifications, which were fully funded by the Army.

Harpreet further talked about her experience as a soldier in the British Army as quite satisfying and adventurous. She says the Army has truly helped to become the person she is today. ā€œThe core values of the military teach you to be a good human being. To have respect for others; have integrity; be selfless; and show commitment to others. And I’m passionate about these values and standards. They have helped me become a better individual; have taught me to do the right thing at the right time; contribute towards society and be a good human being in general.ā€

Harpreet says she enjoys her career and would like to encourage other Asian women to consider the military as a career. There are over 100 job roles in the army, which anyone can chose from. The Variety of these roles include Medical roles, logistics, IT, Admin and Support, Artillery, Infantry etc to name a few. ā€œI am quite fortunate and to be honest very grateful to the military for making me what I am today. And my message to the community is that, as a female serving in the military, I am happy and satisfied. And if you consider this job opportunity, I can assure you will be happy and satisfied too.ā€


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