Mumbai: Mumbai’s renowned Astrologer Hittesh Gurujee today predicts on Astrology

Mumbai: Mumbai’s renowned Astrologer Hittesh Gurujee today predicts on Astrology

5 Feb. S11. Moon is in TAURUS VRUSHABH LD. Wednesday Rahu Kaal 12 to 1:30pm.Today is Jaya Ekadashi & Cuncoil Raia feast.

Achuk Upai:- Worship or get worshipped Goddess Baglaamukhi to remove fear & trouble arriving from enemies; Court cases, Legal matters and Black Magic; to enhance government & political contacts phobias and victory in politics without wearing anything black; this will make your life smooth by removing obstacles.

  1. TAURUS VRUSHABH. If your Name starts from alphabets B, V, U & W then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Pale yellow. Profession & finance: Today may be a very good day for you to obtain wealth & fame. Personal life: Today the stars and planets can be inviting positive people in your life, but you must REMEMBER THAT PEOPLE CHANGE. Emotions & feelings: You may be feeling light and happy today. Travel: for fun is possible. Health: Today the mind may seem quite, because you may be very busy and happy; plus work may also may be good, but a troubling and disturbing thought which may be hidden in the lower unconscious compartment of the mind can reappear and come up tomorrow or late tonight which can cause health issues, stress etc. Food & comforts: All types of physical comforts like good clothes, jewellery, perfumes etc. may be obtained, but please be watchful about your image while using them. For tomorrow please try and do the Achuk Upai and use Aura Meditation incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • GEMINI MITHUN. If your Name starts from alphabets K, CHHA, GH, Q & C then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Sky blue. Profession & finance: No, today may not be a very good time to do or start something special or important; wait for the right time. Thou today is also not a bad day too. Emotions & feelings: Don’t be stubborn and push your thoughts on others; this might paint you in a bad light. Health: Health of some family member will be a cause of concern for you. Travel: There can be travel today, but at a cost. Personal life: The day for you may be neither good nor bad in regards to relations. Enjoy no bad news is also good news. Food & comforts: Today you will have a choice to be within or come out of your comfort zone, this choice will be crucial for your future, so act tough and cross your limits. Use Golden Aura incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • CANCER KARK. If your Name starts from alphabets H & DD then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Off-white. Profession & finance: This period can be a very rewarding one financially. Emotions & feelings: Today the key word is ‘Share & Care’ for you. Health: Take a long walk and keep fit today. Travel: Avoid travelling except for in North direction today. Personal life: Today if you work with advice you may get wealth and happiness both. Food & comforts: Today the stars are hinting of you of either obtaining or enjoying the pleasures of moveable of immoveable property. Use Shring Laxmi incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • LEO SIHA. If your Name starts from alphabets M & TT then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Dark yellow. Emotions & feelings: You really have to understand this; you are responsible for whatever hurdles have arrived in your life and so only you and only you are capable of removing those hurdles. No one else can do it for you; yes someone like a Guru can show you the path but it is you who may have to walk that path.  Health: Drive carefully as it is an accident prone period for you. Travel: Today by changing your place or position of sitting or sleeping, or migrating or just going for outing can change the bad luck. ‘Movement’ is the key word for you today.  Profession & finance: Today Work can go for a toss if prompt and quick action is not taken on the plans which were made in the near past.  Personal life: Today self doubt can spoil a many things; and if it is not removed from your system quickly it may be difficult to get rid of. Drop all your doubts NOW.  Food & comforts: Waiting for a miracle can land you in trouble today. Use ‘Protection’ Baglaamukhi incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • VIRGO KANYAA. If your Name starts from alphabets P, TAHHA & ANNA then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Cream. Emotions & feelings: Today you can learn at lot by communicating with people. Health: Bow down to mother kali for your & your family’s good health. Travel: Carry a Panch Mukhi Hanuman photo with you, to wherever you go today. Profession & finance: From financial point of view this will be a trying time. Personal life: Keep your frustration under control or things will become sourer today. Food & comforts: Give a few days to planning comforts of work and house, it can be useful for your future. Use ‘Golden Aura’ incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • LIBRA TULAA. If your Name starts from alphabets R & T then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Violet. Emotions & feelings: Today is a day to forgive yourself. Health: Keep yourself busy for maintaining good health today. Travel: Leave your house today after eating something sweet. Profession & finance: You may get good recognition and rewards from the bosses today. Personal life: Today you can get benefits by working with or meeting new people. Food & comforts: You can be blessed by best of comforts food & tasty today. Use ‘Aura Cleanser’ Lemon incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • SCORPIO VIRSCHIK. If your Name starts from alphabets N & Y then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Black & white. Emotions & feelings: You may experience good income & happiness today. Health: There may be a general sense of sluggishness. Travel: This is a very good time for travel. Profession & finance: Today you can get money & happiness both, if you work applying new techniques. Personal life: Today is a very good day for obtaining wealth, but please don’t avoid giving time to your family; giving time to your family is not the need of your family only but you too need their company. Food & comforts: Today you can obtain comfort & happiness in your family. Use ‘Aura Relationship’ incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • SAGITTARIUS DHANU. If your Name starts from alphabets DHA, BHA, DAHA, F & PHA then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Dark blue. Emotions & feelings: Today your greed may give you huge losses. Drop your greed. Health: If you are feeling cranky today, then it is necessary to calm your mind by breathing exercise. Travel: Any work related travel will turn into a loss giving travel today, so please avoid doing so. Profession & finance: Avoid all investments as it is a very bad period today. Personal life: Some big and unpleasant surprise may visit a person of opposite sex and you in a process of helping the person might land into the trouble yourself. Food & comforts: Today some unexpected expenditure might visit you. Use ‘Aura Cleanser’ Lemon incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  • CAPRICORN MAKKAR. If your Name starts from alphabets KH & J then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Brown. Emotions & feelings: A feeling of loss or fear might be troubling you, but you might not be able to express it, this can cause serious health issues & losses in the future. Health: You may have an apprehension of sickness or trouble today. Travel: This is a very good time for travel, especially long distance travel. Profession & finance: Your enemies and competitors may have the upper hand today. Personal life: You can get love from people but elders or the government might be displeased by you. Food & comforts: Today your day dreaming might show you some sweet dreams but these thoughts can create a negative impact on your near future. Use ‘Aura Cleanser’ Lemon incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  1. AQUARIUS KUMBH. If your Name starts from alphabets S, SH, KSH & G then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Dark Pink. Emotions & feelings: Today may be free or worries for you. Health: Remove your fears, because fear can be a cause of illness today. Travel: Travel is on the cards especially connected with your profession. Profession & finance: Today you may receive ordinary gain of money. Personal life: Today you can hear the news of some progress or happiness of your siblings. Food & comforts:  You may enjoy excellent tasty food today. Use ‘Aura Cleanser’ Lemon incense sticks & Yagaya Kund Dhoop of the day.
  1. PISCES MEEN. If your Name starts from alphabets D, CHA, Z & THA then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is Light blue. Emotions & feelings: It is a good day for you & you might get financial gains. Health: Today you can get financial benefits, if you can avoid hyper behaviour and be calm. Travel: Travel except for in West Direction may not be beneficial. Profession & finance: Today your courage can be a cause of financial benefits. Personal life: Today you may be getting together with friends. Food & comforts: Today can be a very beneficial day for you in terms of food & comforts.
  1. ARIES MESH. If your Name starts from alphabets A, L, E, I & O then you come under this constellation. Your Today’s lucky colour is White. Emotions & feelings: Anger is what you have to watch out for today. Health: Mental stress will cause a lot of health issues in you today, do Pranayam and mantra chanting to remove stress. Travel: Travels are there but watch your purse. Profession & finance: Some very good clients might cancel their appointment or deal with you today at the last moment. To avoid this lit five ‘Golden Aura’ incense sticks near your work table today. Personal life: Today being bored out of your routine don’t do something stupid or don’t get into wrong friendship or relationship. Don’t invite trouble for yourself. Food & comforts: Please do not over spend on comforts today.

For more details please contact HITTESHGURUJEE email: phone +919930577899/ +919321167998/ 022 4972 1789.

Joy Guru Dev    Hari Aum Tatsat


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