Home Art & Culture Time-Bound- The important element in the journey of life with Ms. Manisha Agrawal

Time-Bound- The important element in the journey of life with Ms. Manisha Agrawal

Time-Bound- The important element in the journey of life with Ms. Manisha Agrawal
File picture of Manisha Agrawal .

Time-Bound- The important element in the journey of life with Ms. Manisha Agrawal

People have debated the concept of “life balance” for decades, and it means something different to everyone.
Some might think he has achieved balance when he can leave work early enough to have dinner with his family. Someone else might view it as having a flexible schedule so that she can study for a part-time graduate degree. Yet another person might feel fulfilled by spending her “free” time advancing her career.
In short, one achieves life balance when you have enough time to pursue both work and personal interests that you love. However, when you feel as if one side of your life is using up too much of your energy, you can become stressed, your productivity can fall, and your personal relationships can become strained.
Today, work-life balance is an evolving concept but, put simply, it’s about achieving the mix of business and personal life that’s right for you. We’re all unique, and the term “personal life” means something different to everyone: it can include spending time with your friends and family; resting; participating in hobbies; engaging in personal, spiritual, or educational development; exercising; or caregiving. It can even include your work!
It can be challenging to achieve a good work-life balance, especially when organizations downsize and people are expected to take on additional tasks, or when your responsibilities at home conflict with those at work.
While in the routine we try and strike a balance in work and personal life, it is equally important to bound to time. This will happen only if our time is well utilized. The word busy is the most used word these days, doing nothing, and being busy is the next level of irrationally using time. The time that is gone, is gone forever and we can never get the same time back. How important time is for an athlete to win by one millisecond or having missed a bus or train to reach a certain destination on time. We have failed to realize the importance of time because of the fast-paced life, making us lose patience. We just tend to do things to fill the void, we don’t do them with a purpose, all this because we are too busy, or we don’t have the time to do it. We also must comprehend the fact, that time is as important as any other aspect in life. Doing things at the right time and making the most of the time we have in hand will always give us positive and fruitful results.
The strategies below can help you achieve balance. Some of them may suit you better than others, so pick the ones you think will work best for you.
When life is busy, or all your energy is focused on a special project, it’s all too easy to find yourself off balance, not paying enough attention to important areas of your life. While you need to have driven and focus if you’re going to get things done, taking this too far can lead to frustration and intense stress. That’s when it’s time to take an “Ariel view” of your life so that you can bring things back into balance.
Professional coaches help you consider each area of your life in turn and assess what’s off-balance. As such, it helps you to identify areas that need more attention.
When you think you’re spending too much of your time and energy on one area of your life at the expense of another, you can also feel guilt, regret, and frustration. This can have a negative impact on your personal relationships and self-esteem.
It can be challenging to achieve a good work-life balance, especially when organizations downsize and people are expected to take on additional tasks, or when your responsibilities at home conflict with those at work.
Some strategies below might prove beneficial to achieve balance
– Keep a Daily activity log this will help you track how you use your time at work and at home.
– Be efficient at work, the more efficient and productive you are at work, the easier it is for you to go home at a reasonable time.
– Be flexible Flexibility is an important part of maintaining a good life balance.
– Feel Rewarded, no matter what you do, your role exists for a reason.
– Leisure time for yourself, life balance means having time for yourself as well.

Manisha Agrawal, Mumbai based therapist, Counsellor, pioneering in the field of hypnotherapy, Inner Child issue with over 10 years of experience helping clients across the globe with some unique technique and tools.

Manisha Agrawal
Hypnotherapy / Age & Past Life Regression / Family Constellation / Entity Releasement / Tarot Counselling / Angel Card Reading / Cartomancy / Serenity Surrender / Numerology / Theta Healing / Vaastu
Phone: +91 9372576537 / 9867148399
Email: manishatarrot@gmail.com


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