Home Hello Womeniya Maharashtra, Jalna : Inner Wheel Club of Jalna Horizon, president Dr.Sujata Nanavati shares, an empowering message on Women’s Equality Day 2020

Maharashtra, Jalna : Inner Wheel Club of Jalna Horizon, president Dr.Sujata Nanavati shares, an empowering message on Women’s Equality Day 2020

Maharashtra, Jalna : Inner Wheel Club of Jalna Horizon, president Dr.Sujata Nanavati shares, an empowering message on Women’s Equality Day 2020


My views on gender equality : 
We respect mother earth and so many goddesses ,it’s time we respect them on earth too.
Gender inequality is do deep rooted in the minds of people especially in India, and begins right from female foeticide.
The birth of the baby boy is celebrated even today.
It’s time we celebrate a new life into the world and ensure that the baby is healthy and capable of leading a good life.
Gender equality needs to be taught to our family structure itself. We need to instill from an early age that the kitchen, the laundry, the mopping is not just the job of the female fraternity, it’s supposed to be shared by both faculties.
The law of the colours blue and pink has to be abolished.
Guns and dolls belong to both has to be understood.
We need to work at the household level ,into changing the mind set of people .
I would just say the women don’t want to compete, they just want you to accept them equally and let them show their capabilities in all fields.
Haven’t the women accepted male chefs with grace , it’s time the males accept the women in areas that are ruled by men.
Living examples of today where we see better and efficient dealing of the covid crisis by countries led by women.


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